


Are you currently working in a non-technical role and want to learn how to get into tech? If so, great job! You should be proud of what you have accomplished so far. Or are you into tech already and would love to grow your tech career? Well done for starting. Starting in any industry takes work, especially one as competitive as technology. Never give up on your dreams! Even if you feel like your dream…

Web (Application) Development is a New-Collar skill that does not require a 4 years University Degree to master. Like any other skill, before you can become a master at Web Development, you have to have a good grasp of the fundamentals and that is why I am recommending the following course as a great place to start that journey. SKILL OVERVIEW πŸ’» Self-paced πŸ•’ 3 hours πŸŽ– Badge 🏷 Free This skill is intended for…

Young graduates who want to become Digital Marketing experts often times find it hard to get started on that carrier path. One major reason this is so is due to the lack of a structured digital marketing training program designed specifically to usher graduates into a career in Digital marketing. This is what the DigifyPro 8 weeks digital marketing program solves. The program is the most immersive digital marketing boot camp training which is organised…